Dream Mirrors
Reflect their surroundings, thus expanding the sense of space and dynamism through their subtle distorted reflections. Inject a pop of color wherever you place them.
Unlike regular mirrors, they don't make you self-consious, rather they add a touch of magic realism into daily living.
Lucid Side Tables
Shop the collectionIn collaboration with TABLEAU we proudly present a series of dreamy side tables.
Dream Mirrors
Shop the collectionWhere you had a flat stale wall before, you now have a delicious gradient pop of color.
Liminal Pedestals
Shop the collectionDisplay priced objects, use it as a side table, or simply let this dreamy object speak for itself.
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Lumière Bricoleur
Our name is a homage to Einstein’s theory of relativity, which found light to be at the center of the structure between time and space, alongside the famous French anthropologist Lévi-Strauss concept Bricolage.
Combined with our inspiration from the American Light and Space movement, it's the foundation of the creative process behind our work, where materials are reused, conjuring novel constellations at the intersection of art and design.
Our products take root in a minimalist aesthetic, with focus on uplifting the spirit. Due to their simplicity, they can fit into, and supplement most spaces by adding a joyful pop of colour.